Friday, July 18, 2008

Once back in Melbourne

And so now i have been back in Melbourne for just over two weeks and the jet has finally lagged. It is good to be back at work and making coffee and playing with ideas and music. The horizon is particularly beautiful around 5 pm when the fleeing sun seems to stretch the clouds into limbs of desperation. I ride my bike here and there. The winter is cold and beyond the houses i can see where the water must be hiding. It is funny that i never thought of where the bay was before. One can know that something is reachable by road or tram or walking and not quite register that it is there even when one cannot quite see it. Obvious. But fun to ponder.

It was often noted in conversation that everyone in India is "looking for something," and it would be false to pretend that i just went and saw and had a laugh and now i am back and that i have not been asking myself questions. Of course i was looking for something. But that doesn't mean i know what it was or is or why i don't know and probably never will. Someone asked me if i found what i was looking for and i said yes because i wanted to find some very delicious subji (curries) and on that account i was successful on many occasions. But if we are talking about philosophy, as many people travelling in India do, then that is a different question and not one i am able to answer with ease. It is certainly true that i feel very good and that things are exciting and fresh and all i really want to do is travel again and see more amazing things and meet more amazing people. It is good fun and i guess that having fun is really the only thing that makes all this living stuff worthwhile.

And in the name of good fun, i have decided to start podcasting, even though i still don't really know what that means or how it is done. This is my first try at publishing an independent audio file on the blog and fingers crossed it works.

Okay. It worked. It took me a few hours but now it is up and if you have some minutes handy then please take a listen. The file is a recording that was made yesterday, which was Thursday. Alexander Clutterbuck and I got together to make some noise and while we were playing with my H2 microphone in his studio he had a very good idea that we should go and record sounds in a nearby storm water drain. We didn't really discuss what we were going to do once we got there, but what followed can only be described as an eerie dialogue of effects both instrumental and bodily, set within a murky subterranean atmosphere. Part jam session part field recording, two guys trying to scare each other in a drain. And if we do what we say we will do then in coming weeks there will be many more audio recordings posted here and i certainly hope that is the case. I hope that i can get my head around this sound art business and computers and start to make sounds that i like listening to. And I really hope you like it too.

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