Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hampi. Karnataka.

And so i am returned to this most surreal and strange of landscapes. And it is very odd to be back in the same guesthouse, to see the same young kids, to be eating the same muesli with curd. And i'm not sure if it is good. I sort of feel like i should have left Hampi in the first few pages of my journal - that mesmerised discovery of beauty and laughter amid the lego shaped puddles that might follow a boulder storm. But then i am tired and we did only arrive. And the trip was long and exhausting and all the people i met here are long gone which makes it seem deserted - my visit smells funereal - a quiet flick through old photographs haunted by the absence of those who WERE there. Perhaps we will make this time about something else, something i missed before. I'd like to do some rock climbing - i know they have many nice rocks here.

And i should mention the experience of camping on a deserted beach south of Gokarna. Deserted is not strictly accurate - some local fishermen had their huts up shore from our camp. But they left us alone. And so fourteen of us from many different origins sat on the sand and sang along to the ipod distorting out of tiny speakers and when the batteries were dead we continued to sing anyway. The fire was our only light and i'm sure we all lost something in the darkness of the night; but i think something might have been found, hidden in the sand as the current heaved and collapsed on the shore. I woke the following morning as the sun drenched the palms in gold and a symphony of birds played out over the water. As we packed up there was a feeling of victory - as if we had found what we were looking for. No glance around the camp could miss the quiet smiles of inner joy. We waited for the boat to return while eating biscuits and i dreamt of staying longer.

And then it was our last day in Gokarna and it was exciting to leave. And now we are here and i miss being there and at the same time look forward to heading south again in a few days time. Still no photos - i apologise. But perhaps they have better internets in Bangalore or Mysore or Kochin or Kannur. I'll let you know.

1 comment:

googligug said...

maybe you should consider a return via Sydney for this:
(aka, missing your head)

Writing and Society Research Group (UWS) Conference
Missing Persons
The conference seeks to examine and explore issues arising from loss and
displacement, memory and forgetting, disappearance, erasures and caesuras,
death and dying in artistic and creative production. In particular the
conference will assess the artistic, cinematic, literary, moral, social,
familial, (geo)political, philosophical, psychological and religious
significance of these issues, both individually and together.
Submission Deadline: Monday 31 March ­ Submissions can include papers,
performance, art works, installations, works-in-progress and workshops. The
conference steering committee also welcomes the submission of pre-formed
panel proposals. Email a 250 word abstract (including bio) to: Rachel Morley
When: Thursday 10 ­ Friday 11 July
Where: University of Western Sydney, Bankstown campus
Further Information: Rachel Morley Visit the website: