Saturday, March 29, 2008

go easy on my curves

Just a quick note today - I have arrived in Mcleod Ganj, Dharamsala - home of the Tibetan Government in exile and his holiness the Dalai Lama. The bus ride here was long, slow and uncomfortable - but not without the odd moment of excitement. A drunk truck driver narrowly missed slamming into the bus and then proceeded to threaten the (bus) driver with a machete. Most of the people got out and a fight ensued. Eventually the truckie was arrested. It was about 1am and we were in the middle of nowhere. It was also freezing cold. I had left Rishikesh in shorts and a t-shirt, so i climbed onto the roof of the bus (where my bag was firmly strapped down) and proceeded to change into long pants and sleeves. I had never gotten changed on the roof of a bus before. Things you get a kick outta hey? We had to wait for the driver to make a statement and so a 14 hour journey became a 16 hour journey. I slept well in my new room.

Dharamsala is already revealing itself to be one of the most friendly and peaceful places i have encountered. Everytime i turn around i meet someone new. But before the memories fade, i decided to spend a little time uploading some sound files i recorded in Rishikesh. You can dig my waves at: And please do so. It is an excellent website with some great and obscure material captured from all over the world. I hope you like my sample of a nail striking a pole - and the revolving ashram gate - played by yours truly.

Enough for now.

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