It is now when i am sitting in my room which shall not be my room for much longer and i cast my imagination a little higher upon the beanstalk, that i may consider the plateau of recent memory - I am in my room - i am listening to Gustav Mahler (the first symphony) - it is about 26 degrees when they said it would be 39. We thought it would be dark clouds and deep crags, sweaty corpses soaking in the gutter - a broken bell struck by deaf and despairing patients - fearing death, wanting death.
In my last entry i spoke of struggle and dread - but those emotions have faded, as all things do upon the shores of time. Even when i was suffering, was i really suffering? What of suffering when one recalls the moment and its events, and all that one sees floats and flickers, a steady candle in the window, dancing, winking, like a knowing friend? I held my fear, my anxiety, suckled it and rocked its cradle. Cooing for one's affliction nurtures blindness, frenzy, rage. Discovering the horizon, yet again, my imagination forgot its paternal preoccupation, let the crib alone to burn, and set each foot before the other - gleeful about mountains.
Now i have a Kaossilator. And i promise that Chotto Matte shall seize his weathered beard and swallow the sky with eyes not meant for seeing. If you read. You should attend.
But what of recent events? There was some irritation of a personal nature - as there often is in times of vulnerability. But i have seen some of the most amazing music this last week. There was the Necks at the Corner last Monday. Had i known how immersive, moody and affecting the live phenomenon could be, twould not have been so long before i came. Such is the gulf between knowledge and experience - to know about... what a jib!
And then we went to see the Silver Apples (!) support Spiritualized. I went for the apples - but was pleasantly surprised by the spirits. Simeon had me worried - how would this great artist, now in his 70s, manage to reproduce music that was written and recorded 40 years ago, without the assistance of the drummer (with whom the project began) without compromising the overall power of the music? Was it compromised? It was compromised. It did not sound the same. Electronic beats and stomping techno rhythms stand in as a questionable replacement for live percussion. That said, the artist has successfully reinterpreted his own work in a way that is both progressive and challenging, within the realm of contemporary music, whilst remaining true to the intensity and imaginative complexity of the original vision. And he is doing it onstage, on his own - in Australia "for the first time." And if that doesn't inspire artists of all walks across all fields of creative enterprise, then nothing will. Simeon's performance was a rare and precious gift - one i shall cherish in the vaults of my memory - no matter how high i must climb in order to find it.
Monday. It was time to see Krautrock super group Harmonia play. And who would have thought three old chaps with laptops and a couple of instruments could rock the nuts off the East Brunswick club so effortlessly. Bass heavy programming and intricate melodic patterns intersecting and rejoicing on the air.
And now in the third week of 2009 i am reminding myself that it was once the third week of 2008, and 2007, and will one day be the third week of 3004. And one can't help but let go, look to the slowly setting sun, and smile.
Thank you